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Archive by Month: October 2016

The G20 Discuss Global Tax Evasion and Avoidance Problems

Posted in News on October 31, 2016

The 2016 G20 Hangzhou Summit was held in September 2016 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. The Summit was a meeting of the Group of 20, which is an international forum of governments and central bank governors from 19 different countries and the European Union. Members of the G20 include governments and governors from 20 major economic powers worldwide, including the United States, China, France, Mexico, Australia, the UK and more.   These economic leaders meet semi-annually at summits to address pressing global issues.

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What Businesses Need to Know About Internet Sales Tax Proposals

Posted in News on October 17, 2016

For many businesses, collecting sales tax is a normal part of operations. However, sales tax collection has been complicated by the rapid and dramatic rise in Internet transactions.  As the Internet has grown and expanded and more and more commerce has moved online, states have created a hodgepodge of different regulations for how online sales of merchandise are to be taxed. The issue of taxing Internet transactions is complicated by these myriad different regulations in different jurisdictions, as well as by the fact most e-commerce companies do business nationwide and not just in states where they are based or where they have physical locations.

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