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Category: Offshore Account Update - Page 2

Common Allegations Resulting from IRS Criminal Tax Audits: What Maryland Taxpayers Need to Know

Posted in News, Offshore Account Update on March 29, 2024

While IRS audits often result in civil liability, they can also lead to criminal charges in some cases. When facing an IRS criminal tax audit, understanding the charges that are on the table is a key first step toward executing an informed defense strategy. Learn more from Maryland criminal tax lawyer Kevin E. Thorn, Managing Partner of Thorn Law Group. Read More

IRS Tax Audits Targeting Maryland Businesses: Common Issues and Potential Defense Strategies

Posted in News, Offshore Account Update on March 15, 2024

Federal tax audits present substantial risks for businesses of all sizes. Not only can the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) impose liability for back taxes, interest and penalties, but IRS audits can also lead to federal criminal charges in some cases. To mitigate their risk, companies targeted by the IRS must play an active role in the audit process, and they must work with an experienced Maryland business tax attorney to execute an informed and cohesive defense strategy. Read More

Proposed Law Set to End the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) Program and Enhance ERC Fraud Enforcement

Posted in News, Offshore Account Update on February 16, 2024

Passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on January 31, 2024, the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024 is poised to permanently close the pandemic-era Employee Retention Credit (ERC) program. If enacted, the law would also extend the statute of limitations for ERC-related assessments and enhance the penalties for promoting fraudulent ERC filing schemes. Learn more from Maryland tax lawyer Kevin E. Thorn, Managing Partner of Thorn Law Group: Read More

IRS Sends 20,000 ERC Disallowance Letters, Opens ERC Voluntary Disclosure Program

Posted in Hot Topics, News, Offshore Account Update on January 12, 2024

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is continuing to target fraud under the pandemic-era Employee Retention Credit (ERC) program. After announcing a withdrawal option in October 2023 for businesses that claimed the ERC improperly, the IRS sent an “initial round” of more than 20,000 disallowance letters to businesses in December. It followed these efforts with the announcement of a limited-time ERC Voluntary Disclosure Program (ERC-VDP) a few weeks later.

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Should Your Business Withdraw Its Employee Retention Credit (ERC) Claim (and What If It’s Already Too Late)?

Posted in Hot Topics, News, Offshore Account Update on October 31, 2023

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is giving business owners the opportunity to withdraw invalid Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claims before they trigger audits and investigations. If you have concerns about your business’s ERC claim and think it might be best to withdraw, you should consult with a Maryland tax lawyer promptly. While withdrawing your business’s claim might be the best option, there are other options as well—and the IRS has made clear that withdrawing ERC claims will not insulate business owners from prosecution for attempted tax fraud. Read More

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